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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Future Rural Policy and Support in Scotland

  • Submitted by: Fergus Ewing, Inverness and Nairn, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Tuesday, 08 January 2019
  • Motion reference: S5M-15279
  • Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Thursday, 10 January 2019

That the Parliament acknowledges that future policy for Scotland’s rural economy should be founded on key principles, including sustainability, simplicity, innovation, inclusion, productivity and profitability; recognises that it should seek to maintain flourishing communities, enable farmers and crofters to continue to deliver high-quality goods and services through food production and stewardship of the countryside and Scotland’s natural assets, and encourage diverse land use; calls on the UK Government to deliver a fair allocation of future rural funds to Scotland, including fully replacing all lost EU funding, that will allow development and implementation of a funding support scheme that meets rural Scotland’s needs and interests; further calls on the Scottish Government to convene a group consisting of producer, consumer and environmental organisations to inform and recommend a new bespoke policy on farming and food production for Scotland, and agrees that the Parliament should legislate for future rural policy.

Supported by: Mairi Gougeon


Result 83 for, 27 against, 6 abstained, 13 did not vote Vote Passed

Scottish National Party

Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party

Scottish Labour

Scottish Green Party

Scottish Liberal Democrats


Did not vote

No Party Affiliation

Did not vote

Defeated amendments

Motion ref. S5M-15279.1

Future Rural Policy and Support in Scotland - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Mark Ruskell, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Green Party, Date lodged: Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Current status: Taken in the chamber on Thursday, January 10, 2019

Result 24 for, 92 against, 0 abstained, 13 did not vote Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S5M-15279.2

Future Rural Policy and Support in Scotland - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Rhoda Grant, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Labour, Date lodged: Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Current status: Taken in the chamber on Thursday, January 10, 2019

Result 51 for, 65 against, 0 abstained, 13 did not vote Vote Defeated

Motion ref. S5M-15279.3

Future Rural Policy and Support in Scotland - Amendment - Amendment

Submitted by: Donald Cameron, Highlands and Islands, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party, Date lodged: Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Current status: Taken in the chamber on Thursday, January 10, 2019

Result 27 for, 89 against, 0 abstained, 13 did not vote Vote Defeated