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Quality childcare facilities available to the public


About the crèche

The crèche allows parents, carers and guardians the opportunity to have their children looked after in a safe and fun environment free of charge.

Information about the crèche in BSL

Coming to the Parliament to

  • meet your MSPs
  • watch Parliament business
  • visit our exhibition?

Children can use our free crèche to:

  • play with other children
  • explore our secret garden
  • read their favourite stories


The crèche is:

  • free and can be used for three hours per day. Where children can only attend one session per week, that session can be up to four hours. 
  • for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years
  • open Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 

Spaces are available on a drop-in basis or can be pre-booked.

Please be aware that we may advise on a shorter stay if we feel this will be beneficial to your child.

A registration form must be fully completed prior to a child being admitted to ensure that staff have all the relevant information to enable children to be cared for appropriately.

Parents/carers must sign their child into the crèche to provide a signature for comparison when the child is being collected at the end of the session.

Settling in

Parents are encouraged to spend some time with their child to settle him/her into the crèche.

Remaining in contact

It is essential that parents/carers are contactable while their child is in attendance at the crèche.

Staff should be informed of where you will be in the Parliament.

  • parents/carers must remain within the Parliament complex while their child is in the crèche
  • parents/carers must return to the crèche if requested to do so

Collecting your child from the crèche

Parents/carers must return to collect their child at the allotted time. Where a parent/carer fails to return and cannot be contacted within a reasonable time and the emergency contact cannot be reached, crèche staff will contact social services for advice and follow procedures in place.

Written notice and a password must be given at the time of registration if the child is to be collected by another adult. The adult (over 16 years of age) must provide photographic identification, for example, a driving licence or passport which contains his/her signature and the password. The adult will be required to sign the crèche register to release the child into their care.

In the event of fire or emergency evacuation, parents/carers must not return to the crèche. Staff will take children to the designated assembly point where they can be collected.

Complaints procedure

We aim to provide a quality childcare service. In the unlikely event that we fail to meet expectations, complaints should be directed in the first instance to the crèche manager. Feedback and complaints can be directed to the central office of our service provider My Ohana.

My Ohana, Venture House, 2 Arlington Square, Downshire Way, Bracknell, RG12 1WA
Tel: 020 7384 0322

My Ohana

Parents/carers can also obtain advice and support from the Care Inspectorate.

Compass House, 11 Riverside Drive, Dundee, DD1 4NY
Tel: 0345 600 9527

Care Inspectorate

The Scottish Parliament crèche is operated by My Ohana. The crèche is registered and inspected by the Care Inspectorate.

Contact details

For further information or to pre-book a space at the crèche please contact:

0131 348 6192