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Mu Phàrlamaid na h-Alba

Parliament policies

Health and safety policy

Health and safety at work is a priority for the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB).

Our health and safety management system aims to ensure that building users and others who may be affected by our activities are not exposed to risks to their health and safety. 

There are clear personal and business benefits from good health and safety management, through the avoidance of injury, ill health, loss, damage and liabilities.

We recognise that accidents and ill health may stem from organisational failings and are committed to the inclusion of safety in our overall business objectives, taking full management responsibility for controlling risks. 

To this end we will:

  • maintain a safe and secure place of work
  • provide safe plant, equipment and systems of work
  • provide the right facilities and arrangements for staff welfare
  • control workplace hazards by assessing risk and establishing control measures
  • ensure effective communication of health and safety information
  • provide high-quality information, instruction, training and supervision
  • promote co-operation between management, staff, on-site employers and other stakeholders
  • consult staff and staff representatives on health and safety measures through the Health and Safety Committee
  • monitor demands and review resources, plans and priorities 
  • support and develop our staff, building the resilience of our staff and the organisation
  • audit the health and safety management system to ensure it is implemented appropriately and remains effective
  • pursue continuous improvement in our health and safety performance.

While I have overall responsibility for health and safety compliance, the Leadership Group has a collective responsibility to: 

  • visibly demonstrate commitment to health and safety
  • be actively involved in improving health and safety
  • take steps to engage staff at all levels and encourage them to contribute to health and safety improvements
  • allocate or re-allocate financial and human resources as necessary to ensure that health and safety priorities are met, considering the guidance and recommendations of the Strategic Resources Board and the views of the Health and Safety Committee
  • periodically review the health and safety policy statement
  • review the performance and implementation of the health and safety management system annually and set targets for improvement.

The health and safety management system has the full support of the SPCB and the Parliament’s senior managers, but it is dependent on the support of all stakeholders to ensure its success.

David McGill, Clerk/Chief Executive

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