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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Mountain Hares in Scotland

  • Submitted by: Claudia Beamish, South Scotland, Scottish Labour.
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 19 April 2018
  • Motion reference: S5M-11740

That the Parliament considers that mountain hares are a vital part of the heritage of the Highlands, and that it is a tragedy that so many are needlessly killed each year; believes that there has been no evidence to support the rationale for a cull; calls for an audit of hare numbers in Scotland; understands that EU law states that it is illegal to kill hares using “means capable of causing local disappearance of, or serious disturbance to, populations", and that, under Scots law, it is illegal to kill mountain hares during the close season without a licence issued by Scottish Natural Heritage, and awaits the conclusions of the Grouse Moor Management Review, which was established by the Scottish Government.

Supported by: Jackie Baillie, Claire Baker, Neil Findlay, John Finnie, Christine Grahame, Iain Gray, Monica Lennon, Rona Mackay, Ruth Maguire, Ivan McKee, Alex Rowley, Elaine Smith, Colin Smyth, David Stewart