That the Parliament recognises what it considers the success of the Scottish Ahlulbayt Society in joining with the Scottish Interfaith Council in helping to bring people of different religions, cultures and race together to work on issues of equality, health and public services using closer integration and participation; further recognises that other organisations such as the Scottish Blood Transfusion Service, Antony Nolan Trust, Alzheimer Scotland, the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the British Army are participating in aiding the society in widening its support base, which is allowing Scotland to achieve international recognition as a beacon of tolerance, and wishes everyone involved a very happy Eid celebration dinner on the evening of 30 July 2015 in Glasgow.
Supported by:
Jackie Baillie, Claire Baker, Colin Beattie, Sarah Boyack, Roderick Campbell, James Dornan, Rob Gibson, Adam Ingram, Richard Lyle, Kenny MacAskill, Angus MacDonald, Ken Macintosh, Mike MacKenzie, Hanzala Malik, John Mason, Joan McAlpine, Anne McTaggart, Gil Paterson, Graeme Pearson, Dennis Robertson, Kevin Stewart, Dave Thompson, David Torrance, Sandra White