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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Local Government and Communities Committee

Meeting date: Wednesday, April 19, 2017



The Convener (Bob Doris)

Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the 11th meeting of the Local Government and Communities Committee in 2017. I remind everyone present to turn off their mobile phones. As meeting papers are provided to the MSPs present in digital format, tablets might be used by members during the meeting, so when you see us on our phones or tablets we are not playing games, I promise you—we are looking at our committee papers.

No apologies have been received this morning. We therefore move immediately to agenda item 1, which is a declaration of interests. Before we do this part formally, I put on record my thanks to Ruth Maguire, our departing member of the committee. I thank her on behalf of all the MSPs present for all her hard work on the committee.

I am pleased to welcome Jenny Gilruth, who is joining us. I invite Jenny to declare any interests that may be relevant to the remit of the committee.

Thank you, convener. It is good to be here. I suppose that it is relevant to the committee that I am the parliamentary liaison officer to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills.

Thank you. It is good to have you on board.