The Bill gives the Gaelic and Scots languages official status in Scotland and makes changes to the support for the Gaelic and Scots languages in Scotland. This includes changes in relation to Gaelic and Scots education.
Tha am Bile a’ toirt inbhe oifigeil do Ghàidhlig agus Scots ann an Alba agus a’ dèanamh atharrachaidhean air an taic a chuirear ris a’ Ghàidhlig agus Scots ann an Alba. Tha seo a’ gabhail a-steach atharrachaidhean mu fhoghlam Gàidhlig agus Scots.
The Bill gies the Gaelic and Scots leids official staunin in Scotland and maks chynges tae the uphaudin o the Gaelic and Scots leids in Scotland. This includes chynges in relation tae Gaelic and Scots education.