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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Bills and Laws

Scottish Languages Bill

The Bill gives the Gaelic and Scots languages official status in Scotland and makes changes to the support for the Gaelic and Scots languages in Scotland. This includes changes in relation to Gaelic and Scots education.

Tha am Bile a’ toirt inbhe oifigeil do Ghàidhlig agus Scots ann an Alba agus a’ dèanamh atharrachaidhean air an taic a chuirear ris a’ Ghàidhlig agus Scots ann an Alba. Tha seo a’ gabhail a-steach atharrachaidhean mu fhoghlam Gàidhlig agus Scots.

The Bill gies the Gaelic and Scots leids official staunin in Scotland and maks chynges tae the uphaudin o the Gaelic and Scots leids in Scotland. This includes chynges in relation tae Gaelic and Scots education.

The Bill is at Stage 1


Stage 1 - General principles

Committees examine the Bill and gather views. They produce reports before MSPs debate the Bill in the Chamber. MSPs then decide on the purpose (“general principles”) of the Bill.

The Bill is at Stage 1

Committee Examination

The lead committee for this Bill is the Education, Children and Young People Committee

Find out more about this committee

Submit your views in English

The Education, Children and Young People Committee ran a call for views between 22 January and 8 March 2024.

Read a summary of responses to the short survey

Read the responses to the detailed call for views

Cuir a-steach do bheachdan sa Ghàidhlig 

Chùm Comataidh Foghlam, Clann agus Òigridh co-chomhairle air gairm bheachdan eadar 22 Faoilleach agus 8 Màrt 2024.

Leugh geàrr-chunntas de na freagairtean air an t-suirbhidh ghoirid

Leugh freagairtean dhan ghairm bheachdan mionaideach

Submit yer views in Scots

The Education, Bairns and Young Fowk Committee ran a caw fur views atween 22 Januar and 8 Mairch 2024.

Read the summary o responses tae the short survey

Read the responses tae the detailed caw fur views

British Sign Language

The Committee ran a call for views between 22 January and 8 March 2024.

Read responses to the British Sign Language (BSL) version of the call for views



The timetable that the committee followed while examining the Bill at Stage 1

On 20 March 2024, Parliament agreed motion S6M-12567, that consideration of the Scottish Languages Bill at stage 1 be completed by 20 September 2024.

Who spoke to the lead committee in the Parliament

MSPs met with people in committee meetings to discuss what the Bill will do.

Minutes of 1 May 2024
Minutes of 8 May 2024
Minutes of 15 May 2024
Minutes of 22 May 2024
Minutes of 19 June 2024 (in private)
Minutes of 26 June 2024 (in private)

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Meeting on 1 May 2024
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Meeting on 8 May 2024
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Meeting on 15 May 2024
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Meeting on 22 May 2024
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Committee correspondence sent and received while the Bill progressed through Parliament

Scottish Languages Bill Financial Memorandum - Letter of 5 June 2024

Letter from the Convener to the Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee of 5 June 2024

Scottish Languages Bill Financial Memorandum - Letter of 17 May 2024

Letter from the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Economy and Gaelic to the Convener of 17 May 2024

Response to ECYP Committee on staffing and resources - follow up to evidence session on 1 May 2024

Correspondence from Claire Cullen, Head of Gaelic and Scots, Scottish Government, 14 May 2024

Read all the correspondence received on this Bill

Work by other committees

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

Meeting on 5 March 2024
Meeting on 16 April 2024

Report published on 23 April 2024

Finance and Public Administration Committee

Scrutiny of the Financial Memorandum

Committee report

The lead committee published its stage 1 report on 24 July 2024.

Scottish Languages Bill Stage 1 Report

Bile nan Cànan Albannach Aithisg Ìre 1

Scots Leids Bill - Stage 1 Report

Reponses to the report will be published when available.