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Resilience Learning Partnership Crafty Kids Survival Boxes

  • Submitted by: Alexander Stewart, Mid Scotland and Fife, Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party.
  • Date lodged: Thursday, 17 December 2020
  • Motion reference: S5M-23742

That the Parliament congratulates the Alloa-based group, Resilience Learning Partnership (RLP) on its Crafty Kids initiative; notes that the group is an education and training provider that offers a range of services, such as bespoke workshops and training programmes for clients and partners that are centred around lived experience, domestic abuse, violence against women and children, psychological trauma, community justice, recovery from addiction, and more; understands that, when COVID-19 hit Scotland and lockdown measures were being put in place nationwide, the group made plans to work and coordinate its efforts from home and, following conversations with parents supported by the group, it became clear that they did not necessarily have the resources to go out and buy basic craft items such as paper, card, glitter and glue, in order to keep their kids occupied; notes that, as a result, the group purchased items for distribution, and the Crafty Kids Survival Box project was established, with over 3,000 boxes distributed to date; further notes that the group has expanded its reach by delivering wellbeing boxes, which include toiletries and other personal care items and that it is also taking the boxes to other groups of people who are particularly vulnerable during lockdown, such as those over 65 and males under the age of 45, as this is an age-group that is at a particularly at high risk of suicide, and commends RLP's managing director, Shumela Ahmed, and Melanie Mitchell, Jamie-Lee McMillan and all the Crafty Kids team, on their excellent initiative for the benefit of communities across Clackmannanshire.

Supported by: Miles Briggs, Peter Chapman, Kenneth Gibson, Liam Kerr, Bill Kidd, Ruth Maguire, Stuart McMillan, Margaret Mitchell, Maureen Watt