That the Parliament notes the report, Payday loans: The next generation, which was published by StepChange Debt Charity, which examined changes to the high-cost, short-term credit (HCSTC) market since the introduction of stricter measures by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in 2015; notes that the changes included a price cap on HCSTC and both stronger affordability guidance and financial health warnings; welcomes the evidence suggesting that this has had a positive impact on some of the worst conduct issues, with the charity reporting significantly fewer clients with HCSTC debts; understands however, that there remain issues with lending practices; notes the report’s call for the FCA’s review of the impact of the price cap to look further into these continuing problems; acknowledges the research’s conclusion that there remains a significant gap in the market for accessible and affordable credit; recognises what it sees as the important role played by credit unions in Shettleston and across Scotland in providing affordable loans with fairer conditions and longer repayment terms; commends the commitment of StepChange Debt Charity to helping people in debilitating debt and preventing others from entering this, and wishes the charity, and Scotland’s credit unions, all the very best in their ongoing work.
Supported by:
Tom Arthur, Colin Beattie, Graeme Dey, Bob Doris, James Dornan, Neil Findlay, Kenneth Gibson, Clare Haughey, Johann Lamont, Richard Lochhead, Angus MacDonald, Gordon MacDonald, Fulton MacGregor, Rona Mackay, Ruth Maguire, Gillian Martin, Ivan McKee, Christina McKelvie, Stuart McMillan, Pauline McNeill, Gil Paterson, Ash Regan, Alex Rowley, Mike Rumbles, Maree Todd, David Torrance, Sandra White