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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Ending Low Welfare Animal Activities Abroad

  • Submitted by: Christine Grahame, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party.
  • Date lodged: Friday, 10 January 2025
  • Motion reference: S6M-16045
  • Current status: Achieved cross-party support

That the Parliament believes that wild animals are exploited globally on a massive scale for entertainment, including being forced to undertake unnatural behaviours to train them to perform; considers that dolphin entertainment, such as "swim-with" experiences and dolphin shows, elephant rides and bathing, tiger selfies and various other forms of wild animal entertainment are cruel and that the training methods and the enclosures in which they are kept cannot meet their welfare needs; recognises that the sale and advertising of these overseas activities is supporting and allowing the trade to continue; considers that, while travel companies continue to sell low-welfare activities abroad, the trade will continue, and notes the reported view of many people in Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale and across Scotland, that domestic legislation to prohibit the sale and advertisement of low-welfare animal activities abroad is a policy that would reduce considerably the cruel exploitation of wild animals trapped in the tourist entertainment industry.  

Supported by: Colin Beattie, Maggie Chapman, Kenneth Gibson, Emma Harper, Clare Haughey, Bill Kidd, Fulton MacGregor, Rona Mackay, Stuart McMillan, Audrey Nicoll