That the Parliament acknowledges what it sees as the dedication and commitment that the outgoing US Consul General, Jack Hillmeyer, has shown to strengthening Scottish-American relations, since his appointment in August 2021; recognises his work in promoting trade between the United States and Scotland and what it considers as his energetic leadership within the consular corps in Scotland; wishes him well in his new role at the US State Department in Washington DC; welcomes the incoming Consul General, and looks forward to working with them to further strengthen the relationship between the two countries.
Supported by:
Jeremy Balfour, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Stephanie Callaghan, Foysol Choudhury, Jackie Dunbar, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Annabelle Ewing, Kenneth Gibson, Pam Gosal, Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Bill Kidd, Ben Macpherson (Registered interest)
, Michael Marra, Liam McArthur, Audrey Nicoll, Paul O'Kane, Ash Regan, Tess White, Brian Whittle