That the Parliament recognises that March is Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month 2024; understands that ovarian cancer is the sixth most common cancer faced by women in the UK, with over 600 women in Scotland receiving a new diagnosis each year; notes that the main symptoms are described as being new, frequent and persistent, with women likely to experience persistent bloating, feeling full very quickly and/or loss of appetite, pelvic or abdominal pain and urinary symptoms; further notes that some of the less common symptoms include changes in bowel habit, extreme fatigue and unplanned weight loss; recognises reports that many women are diagnosed too late, and that population screening for ovarian cancer is not, at this time, recommended by the UK National Screening Committee due to a range of factors, including, it understands, the accuracy of current tests; highlights what it sees as the need for better public awareness of the condition, and commends the tireless efforts of organisations, campaigners and charities who are raising awareness of ovarian cancer.
Supported by:
Karen Adam, Clare Adamson, Jackie Baillie, Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Ariane Burgess, Alexander Burnett, Stephanie Callaghan, Maggie Chapman, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Pam Gosal, Rachael Hamilton, Bill Kidd, Douglas Lumsden, Rona Mackay, John Mason, Liam McArthur, Ivan McKee, Stuart McMillan, Audrey Nicoll, Mark Ruskell, Colin Smyth, Alexander Stewart, Kevin Stewart, Paul Sweeney, David Torrance, Evelyn Tweed, Sue Webber, Elena Whitham, Brian Whittle, Beatrice Wishart