Current status: Answered by Fiona Hyslop on 23 January 2025
To ask the Scottish Government whether the provision for rail services in its draft Budget 2025-26 contains anything for new stations at Cove and Newtonhill, in light of the reportedly large number of positive respondents to a local petition on this matter.
There is currently no provision in the draft Budget 2025-26 for new stations at Cove and Newtonhill, as we are awaiting the formal investment case being conducted by Nestrans to conclude.
Rail proposals are considered by Transport Scotland subject to a robust business case being demonstrated in line with Scottish Transport Analysis Guide (Scot-TAG) | Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance (STAG) | Transport Scotland and Guidance on the development of Business Cases - March 2016 | Transport Scotland, as well as other Scottish Government priorities, our rail investment strategy and affordability.
In recognition of calls from the interested parties, Nestrans previously received Scottish Government funding to undertake the initial stages of the Aberdeen to Laurencekirk Multi-Modal Study | Nestrans. This is now funded by them and they are using STAG for the appraisal of options to improve opportunities for travel by all modes between Aberdeen and Laurencekirk. The appraisal is considering multi-modal transport options, including options for buses and rail stations at Cove and Newtonhill. This work is nearing completion and Transport Scotland will consider its findings once received.