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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Question reference: S6W-32026

  • Date lodged: 5 December 2024
  • Current status: Answered by Angus Robertson on 13 December 2024


To ask the Scottish Government whether its draft Budget 2024-25 will lead to funding being provided to the Belmont Cinema in Aberdeen and, if so, how much, and what (a) positive and (b) negative indirect consequences the Budget proposals might have on the cinema.


The Scottish Government recognises the huge value that the Belmont, and cultural cinema as a whole, bring to Scotland’s creative landscape. Cinemas like the Belmont are a vital source of cultural experience, community connection, learning, and wellbeing.

The Scottish Government has committed an additional £34m to culture budgets in 2025-26, and our aim is to provide a further £20m in 2026-2027, subject to usual parliamentary procedure. Amongst other activity, this will allow Creative Scotland to offer a comprehensive package of Multi-Year Funding to the largest ever number of cultural organisations across Scotland, ensuring that more people have access to cultural projects and venues, which will benefit their health and wellbeing as well as bringing enjoyment. Creative Scotland will now complete their due diligence, and will aim to notify the successful organisations in January.

While those funding decisions are for Creative Scotland, the Scottish Government is absolutely clear on the value of cultural cinema, and we will continue to engage with Screen Scotland and others to ensure that cultural cinema is protected for Scotland's audiences today and in the long term.

Since its closure in 2022, Screen Scotland has already provided £320,000 in funding to support the reopening of the Belmont cinema. This includes £60,000 to Aberdeen City Council to undertake feasibility and transition work, and £260,000 to Belmont Community Cinema Ltd. to support development of a business model, recruit key staff to support the reopening bid, and progress fundraising activity, amongst other key development work.