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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Question reference: S6W-31970

  • Date lodged: 4 December 2024
  • Current status: Answered by Mairi Gougeon on 11 December 2024


To ask the Scottish Government what the monthly average sales income for fishermen has been in each of the last three years to date.


For the years 2021 to 2023, the average monthly sales income has been calculated for fishers employed on Scottish Vessels. This is given in the following table:

Monthly average sales income for fishers on Scottish registered vessels, 2021 - 2023





Landed value (£) in real terms




Number of fishers employed




Monthly average sales income (£)




The information on fishers employed is collected as at 31 December in each year and reflects those employed during the year. Some of these fishers are irregular, so will not work on the vessel full-time, so will have a lower income. This means that we are unable to provide monthly averages for each month as we do not know how many fishers were employed in each month. It should also be noted that some fishing sectors will have larger incomes than others and different crew share arrangements will be in place, meaning that some fishers on the same vessel will earn more than others.

The landed value in real terms and monthly average sales income are given in pounds and have been adjusted to 2023 prices by adjusting for inflation. As this is based on landed value only, it is not a reflection of earnings as no costs have been accounted for.