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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Question reference: S6W-25712

  • Date lodged: 23 February 2024
  • Current status: Answered by Patrick Harvie on 8 March 2024


To ask the Scottish Government how many properties it expects would be required to meet the minimum energy efficiency standards by 2033, as proposed in its Delivering Net Zero for Scotland's Buildings consultation.


The consultation on proposals for a Heat in Buildings Bill includes a proposal to introduce a minimum energy efficiency standard. Privately owned housing would be required to meet this standard by the end of 2033.

A significant proportion of the housing stock will already meet the standard ahead of this date, with new homes built between now and 2033 already meeting or exceeding the standard and private rented homes being required to meet the standard by the end of 2028. In addition, we are proposing that owner occupied homes which have installed clean heating systems before 2033 won’t be required to meet the standard.

It is the intention to set a minimum energy efficiency standard at a level that is broadly equivalent to EPC C. The Scottish House Condition Survey 2022 shows that 48% of owner-occupied dwellings (around 788,000 dwellings) are already in EPC band C or better. It is likely that for many homes which do not yet meet the proposed standard, the amount of work needed to be carried out is modest.

We are also seeking views in our consultation on whether to introduce flexibility to the standard for specific groups or personal circumstances. These mechanisms may reduce the number of homes which need to meet the standard.