Official Report 443KB pdf
Under agenda item 3, we are considering two instruments. An issue has been raised on the following instrument.
Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Amendment (Amendment) Regulations 2024 (SSI 2024/369)
The instrument corrects a minor error in the table of fees that a planning authority can charge for the submission of various planning applications. Under section 28(2) of the Interpretation and Legislative Reform (Scotland) Act 2010, instruments subject to the negative procedure must be laid at least 28 days before they come into force, not counting recess periods of more than four days.?The instrument breaches that requirement, as it was laid on Thursday 5 December 2024 and came into force on Wednesday 11 December 2024.
In correspondence with the Presiding Officer, the Scottish Government explained that it considered it necessary to correct the error in the table of planning fees before the instrument setting those fees comes into effect.
Does the committee wish to draw the instrument to the attention of the Parliament on reporting ground (j), for failure to comply with laying requirements?
Members indicated agreement.
Is the committee content with the reason stated for the failure to comply with the laying requirements?
Members indicated agreement.
Also under this agenda item, no points have been raised on the following instrument.
Conservation of Salmon (Miscellaneous Amendment) (Scotland) Regulations 2024 (SSI 2024/368)
Is the committee content with the instrument?
Members indicated agreement.