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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Education and Skills Committee

Meeting date: Wednesday, November 11, 2020



The Convener

Item 2 is consideration of the four petitions that are currently referred to the committee. I will go through each petition individually in the order they are listed in paper 1 of today’s committee papers. As it has been some time since we last discussed petitions, I will give a brief summary of the petition and then invite members to agree what action they would like us to take.

Getting it Right for Every Child Policy (Human Rights) (PE1692)

The Convener

The first petition that we are asked to consider today calls for an inquiry into the human rights impact of the getting it right for every child policy and data processing. When we last considered the petition, the committee agreed to write to the cabinet secretary about the guidance, which was expected to be published before the end of the year. The paper suggests that we write to the cabinet secretary for an update, but do members have any other suggestions for action to take on the petition?

As no member wishes to make a suggestion, we can agree to that decision.

Restraint and Seclusion in Schools (National Guidance) (PE1548)

The Convener

The second petition calls for national guidance on the use of seclusion and restraint in schools. Since we last considered the petition, a working group has been established to develop and agree new guidance, and the petitioner is part of that working group. Our paper suggests writing to the cabinet secretary for an update on timescales for the guidance, but do members have any other suggestions for how to take this forward?

I see no indication from members, so we will write to the cabinet secretary.

Literacy Standards (Schools) (PE1668)

The Convener

Our third petition today supports the use of research-informed reading instruction to improve literacy standards in schools. We were due to take evidence from the petitioner as part of our paused inquiry into initial teacher education in March of this year, but that session was cancelled because of the onset of the pandemic. How would members like to proceed with the petition? Do we have any suggestions?

I suggest that we leave the petition open and, if we can return to the issue of initial teacher training in the new year, we can examine it then. If Covid prevents us from getting there, we could agree for the issue to be part of our legacy paper.

I do not see any member disagreeing, so I will take that as agreed.

Convener, can you clarify whether you can see messages in the chat in your new technology setting?

The Convener

I cannot see those at the moment, although I might be able to if I change the settings on my phone. I can see individual members on the screen. If I cannot access the chat, I will have to ask Daniel Johnson to take over, because I will not be able to chair the evidence sessions without that. However, I can see all members when I am asking questions, so, for now, it would be helpful if people could indicate that they wish to contribute by raising their hand.

Mr Greene, do you want to comment on any of the petitions?

On PE1668, you made the point that we could have the evidence session that was cancelled in March. I know that the work programme is extremely tight, but it would be helpful if we could fit that in.

That is very helpful. We can review that as part of our work programme.

Additional Support Needs (Funding) (PE1747)

The Convener

Finally, the committee is considering for the first time a petition on adequate funding to support children with additional support needs in all Scottish schools, which was referred to us by the Public Petitions Committee in August. Members will know that our committee will be taking evidence from Angela Morgan on her review of the implementation of the additional support for learning legislation next week and that we have monitored ASN issues throughout the session.

I suggest to members that we keep the petition open as we continue to look at these issues. Are there any other suggestions on how we take the petition forward? As no member is indicating that they want to speak, I take it that we are content to leave it open and to come back to it after the evidence session.