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Education, Children and Young People Committee

Connect submission for Alternative Certification Model

Submission from Connect

Connect Submission for Alternative certification model evidence session

Connect is a long-standing independent parents’ group and a registered charity which provides support to parents and carers all over Scotland. We provide membership services to individual Parent Councils and PTAs, as well as offering advice and information to individual parents who have concerns about any aspect of the education of their child, or the wider education system. We support education professionals in developing their skills and understanding around effective partnership working with families and the wider community.

Throughout the pandemic we have heard from parents and carers about their concerns about SQA qualifications and the effect of the Alternative Certification Model on their children. Here is a selection of comments from our various surveys, dating from the beginning of the 20/21 academic year to July 2021:

Lack of information at the start of the year

‘This massive change in assessment has been rushed through with no preparation or discussion. Will my child get the challenge of studying for exams prior to Highers?’>

‘Huge worries around SQA not yet telling anyone what will happen with exams/courses this year. This is really challenging for pupils facing an important year. Lots of extra pressures from all the extra tests by teachers just in case the extra evidence is required

‘SQA assessments need to be clarified urgently. Senior pupils need help and support in preparing for these. Lots of anxiety around what is happening with return for senior pupils.'
Lack of support for pupils

‘My son received none of the support that he is supposed to get during lockdown. He is on level 3 of staged intervention but received no support.’

‘Pupils have been very inadequately supported - some teachers did not bother to go online to teach, some complained their internet connection was inadequate and some taught for an inadequate time of 30 minutes or so in an extended lesson of 1 hour 40 minutes.’

‘My son (dyslexic) asked for additional support from his class teacher earlier on this year and was refused.’

Impact of remote learning

‘While it’s a difficult time, it is a real concern that those sitting Highers are going to face intense pressure on their return to school. Remote learning isn’t enough and the quality of it will vary from school to school. It’s hard not to feel very worried over the impact of our young people.’

‘Inequity across schools regarding remote learning is shameful. Some schools offer full timetables with every class being taught live, some schools offer practically nothing. This needs to be addressed immediately. How can pupils be effectively graded on subjects that are barely being taught?’

‘My S5 has given up. He says he can’t learn remotely, he needs to be in class and get questions answered there and then. He feels he’s gone from expecting As and Bs to Cs and Ds.’

‘My child has resigned himself to a fail despite putting a lot of effort in during the year and constant study without let-up as it was unclear as to whether exams where taking place along with the constant threat of self-isolation due to close contact with a person suffering with covid or the threat of the Scottish Government closing the school.’

Experiences of assessment

‘Pupils were told at beginning of year - no exams; then some time into 2021 they were told class assessments; now meaningless & you will have exams - 16 of them over 3 weeks. All sciences & maths 6 or 7 in 1 week. My child was stressed, distressed & exhausted. She achieved indicative grades of A in all subjects which is in line with all class assessments, so we do not anticipate different grades. However nearly all her studying was achieved via BBC Bitesize. She found it difficult to discipline herself to study enough & school did not support at all in this respect, providing minimal teaching, in some cases not covering the curriculum. This was Nat5; I am most concerned that she is consequently inadequately prepared to begin Highers.’


‘In previous years an appeal could have been made on grounds of disadvantage re illness etc, unlike this year, so hence the reason for having little confidence the appeal will be successful, which seems unfair given the actual circumstances of the year.’

‘The school refuses to accept that he was discriminated against... As they won't agree, we cannot submit an appeal on this basis. A school is never going to accept that they discriminated against a child as they would open themselves up to court cases etc. It is ridiculous that they have to agree. I am not in a position to take them to court. The system is set up to exclude the kids who suffered the most.

Worked well

‘(Child) was kept informed of progress and marks at every stage of assessment once back in school, allowing him to focus where needed. So system worked as intended for him.’

Sara McFarlane

Policy and Support Officer