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Seòmar agus comataidhean

Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee

Agenda: 01 September 2021

Wednesday, 01 September 2021

2nd Meeting, 2021

Start time: 10:00am
Location: T1.60-CR4 The Clerk Maxwell Room
Agenda items:
  1. Consideration of new petitions
Agenda published: Tuesday, 31 August 2021 04:37pm

Full agenda and available meeting papers

1. Consideration of new petitions

The Committee will consider the following new petitions—

PE1850: Natural flood prevention on grouse moors;
PE1851: Justice for the public in the legal system;
PE1852: Increase planning protection for Scottish battlefields;
PE1853: Introduce a lifeline ferry service from Campbeltown to Ardrossan;
PE1855: Pardon and memorialise those convicted under the Witchcraft Act 1563;
PE1856: Support the taxi trade;
PE1857: Regulate the role of curator ad litem;
PE1858: Provide free face masks for everyone in Scotland;
PE1859: Retain falconers rights to practice upland falconry in Scotland;
PE1860: New legislation for Prescription and Limitation Act;
PE1861: Use teacher assessed grades to award national qualifications in 2021;
PE1862: Introduce community representation on boards of public organisations delivering lifeline services to island communities;
PE1863: Mandatory annual cancer blood test from the age of 55; and
PE1864: Increase the ability of communities to influence planning decisions for onshore windfarms.