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Education (Scotland) Bill

This Bill establishes a new body called Qualifications Scotland. It also creates a new office His Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education in Scotland.

This is a Government bill

The Bill was introduced on 4 June 2024 and is at Stage 1

Introduced: the Bill and its documents


The Bill is in two main parts.

Part 1 of the Bill establishes Qualifications Scotland. Qualifications Scotland will:

  • replace the Scottish Qualifications Authority, which is dissolved by the Bill
  • develop and award qualifications (other than university degrees)
  • have an independent Accreditation Committee to regulate qualifications (other than university degrees) and the organisations that award them
  • give advice to Scottish Ministers
  • produce charters setting out what learners, teachers and practitioners should expect from Qualifications Scotland
  • involve learners, teachers and others in decision making through a Board of Management, committees and an advisory council

Part 2 of the Bill establishes the Chief Inspector and sets out what they will do and how they will operate. The Chief Inspector will:

  • inspect places where education is provided and education services
  • have an Advisory Council
  • publish an inspection plan and reports on inspections
  • publish an annual report, and reports on the performance of the Scottish education system
  • tell Scottish Ministers when a school or education authority is not making necessary improvements

If the inspector finds that a school, or education authority, is not making necessary improvements Scottish Ministers can give enforcement directions if required. The Bill also gives Scottish Ministers the powers to require that improvements are made.

Why the Bill was created

The Bill was created to support the education and skills reform being taken forward by the Scottish Government.

The changes brought in by the Bill respond to a range of reports and reviews, including:

  • the OECD Review of the Curriculum for Excellence
  • Professor Ken Muir's report, "Putting Learners at the Centre. Towards a Future Vision for Scottish Education"

Bill as Introduced

Education (Scotland) Bill as introduced (2MB, pdf) posted 04 June 2024

Accompanying Documents

Explanatory Notes (322KB, pdf) posted 04 June 2024

Policy Memorandum (349KB, pdf) posted 04 June 2024

Financial Memorandum (408KB, pdf) posted 04 June 2024

Delegated Powers Memorandum (234KB, pdf) posted 04 June 2024

Statements on legislative competence (109KB, pdf) posted 04 June 2024

Accompanying Documents (print versions)

Explanatory Notes (380KB, pdf) posted 04 June 2024

Policy Memorandum (444KB, pdf) posted 04 June 2024

Financial Memorandum (438KB, pdf) posted 04 June 2024

Delegated Powers Memorandum (280KB, pdf) posted 04 June 2024

Statements on legislative competence (158KB, pdf) posted 04 June 2024

Research on the Bill

The Scottish Parliament's Information Centre (SPICe) prepares impartial research and analysis to assist MSPs in their examination of Bills and other parliamentary business.

Research briefing on the Education (Scotland) Bill

The Bill was introduced on 4 June 2024

Stage 1: general principles

At Stage 1, the Bill is given to a lead committee. This is usually the committee whose remit most closely relates to the subject of the Bill. The lead committee will consider and report on the Bill. Other committees may also examine the Bill and report to the lead committee. Finally, there is a debate and vote by all MSPs on the general principles of the Bill. If the general principles are not agreed to, then the Bill ‘falls’ and can’t become law.

Lead committee examines the Bill

The lead committee for this Bill is the Education, Children and Young People Committee.

Call for views (closed)

The Committee's call for views had two options available to anyone wishing to share their views with the Committee.

There was a detailed call for views, for people, groups, bodies or organisations who wished to comment on specific aspects of the Bill.

Read the responses to the detailed call for views

There was a shorter call for views, for people who wished to express general views about the Bill.

Read the responses to the shorter call for views

The call for views closed on 30 August 2024.

Meetings of the lead committee

Correspondence: lead committee

Additional information from the SQA on the Education (Scotland) Bill

Letter from Scottish Qualifications Authority, 4 October 2024

Stage 1 report by the lead committee

The lead committee will publish its Stage 1 report before the debate on the general principles of the Bill.

Work by other committees

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee



The Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee published its report on 3 October 2024.

Read the report

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee Correspondence

Education (Scotland) Bill response from the Scottish Government

Letter from the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills to the Convener, 23 September 2024

Education (Scotland) Bill

Letter from the Convener to the Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills, 12 September 2024

Finance and Public Administration Committee