That the Parliament welcomes reports that a care home in Sauchie has been named runner-up in a summer gardening competition; understands that Hillview Court, managed by the Aria Care Group, finished second in the in-house competition, out of 50 participating care homes; further understands that Aria Care Group launched its Aria in Bloom initiative to promote welcoming and vibrant outdoor spaces for its residents across the country, and that this encouraged care homes under its label to improve and show off their garden spaces, with judges ranking each home, and congratulates everyone involved on their sterling efforts.
Supported by:
Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Alexander Burnett, Sharon Dowey, Jackie Dunbar, Tim Eagle, Annabelle Ewing, Russell Findlay, Murdo Fraser, Pam Gosal, Jamie Greene, Dr. Sandesh Gulhane, Craig Hoy, Liam Kerr, Marie McNair, Edward Mountain, Ash Regan, Douglas Ross, Paul Sweeney, Sue Webber, Annie Wells, Tess White, Brian Whittle