That the Parliament congratulates Dundee Contemporary Arts (DCA) on it being shortlisted for Art Fund’s 2024 Museum of the Year; notes that DCA was the only Scottish organisation shortlisted and considers it as being at the forefront of contemporary arts across Scotland and the rest of the UK; understands that DCA has utilised four programme areas over its 25 years in operation to increase audience and community participation in the arts through skill-sharing and collaboration and with a focus on arts accessibility, exhibitions, cinema, print and learning; believes that DCA is an asset to Dundee’s cultural sector, and wishes it all the best in its future work.
Supported by:
Karen Adam, Jeremy Balfour, Colin Beattie, Miles Briggs, Stephanie Callaghan, Foysol Choudhury, Jackie Dunbar, Pam Duncan-Glancy, Annabelle Ewing, Emma Harper, Bill Kidd, Rona Mackay, Ruth Maguire, Stuart McMillan, Audrey Nicoll, Kevin Stewart, Paul Sweeney