Current status: Answered by Jim Fairlie on 7 January 2025
To ask the Scottish Government how it plans to provide deer managers with clarity about the circumstances under which NatureScot might intervene on deer management issues under any new interventionist powers predicated on nature recovery.
As set out in the Programme for Government 2024-25: Serving Scotland the Natural Environment Bill will include provisions to modernise the way in which deer are managed in Scotland.
In January 2024 the Scottish Government consulted on a range of potential reforms to deer management Managing deer for climate and nature: Consultation, including the introduction of new powers designed to secure effective deer management that supports Scottish Government nature and climate objectives. In addition to the formal consultation, Ministers and officials have met with deer managers and their representatives to discuss issues arising from the consultation.
The circumstances in which any new intervention powers could be used will be set out on the face of the Bill and in the accompanying documents.