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Language: English / Gàidhlig


Seòmar agus comataidhean

Question reference: S6W-01681

  • Date lodged: 20 July 2021
  • Current status: Answered by Graeme Dey on 16 August 2021


To ask the Scottish Government which ScotRail-operated (a) rolling stock, (b) carriages and (c) locomotives have been sent out of Scotland for (i) maintenance, (ii) overhaul and (iii) repair works in each of the last two years, and what the value of these works was.


ScotRail led maintenance, overhaul and repair works are carried out in Scotland at their own maintenance depots in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Inverness.

Where specialist repairs are required ScotRail utilise local facilities such as Brodie Engineering in Kilmarnock and Assenta Rail in Hamilton, however ScotRail engage with the wider market to ensure a value for money procurement exercise is conducted.

Train owners may engage with the wider UK market and decide on where their heavy maintenance contracts are awarded but ScotRail does not decide this. The following train owner led workstreams have been sent out of Scotland over the last 2 years. As these works have not been led by ScotRail, the commercial value of these works is unable to be confirmed:-

  • Class 156 Refurbishment. 15 units at Landore, Wales.
  • Class 170 C6 Overhaul. 17 units at Crewe.