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Language: English / Gàidhlig

Seòmar agus comataidhean

Delegated Powers and Law Reform Committee

Meeting date: Tuesday, December 14, 2021


Instruments subject to Made Affirmative Procedure

The Convener

Before our consideration of Scottish statutory instruments, I suggest to members that, as we are meeting online, you will find it more challenging to indicate agreement to the instruments under discussion. I therefore ask you to raise your hand if you are not content with the question being put or if you wish to talk about an instrument.

Agenda item 3 is consideration of made affirmative instruments, on which no points have been raised.

Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel and Operator Liability) (Scotland) Amendment (No 11) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/454)

Health Protection (Coronavirus) (International Travel and Operator Liability) (Scotland) Amendment (No 12) Regulations 2021 (SSI 2021/455)

Is the committee content with the regulations?

No member has indicated that they are not content or that they wish to speak, so we are agreed.